Sunday, March 2

Raw food and flu resistance?

So many on the "Raw Food Diet" although it is not a diet AT ALL - say that after at least a few weeks eating raw they don't get sick like they used to, and a lot even say they don't get sick all together! I found this to be interesting and my inquisitive nature got the best of me and I decided to try it out for myself. Okay okay not the smartest thing to do I KNOW buuut.. some unexpected things were discovered. Before I tell you what those were let me give you a little bit of a background on my health.
Every year since I was a child I always got sick. Usually, it would be a combination of the common flu with strep throat and the occasional sinus infection. It never failed, every year I would get sick at least 3 times! When I went vegetarian it seemed to have cleared up a little bit but not by much. Then when I stopped eating dairy it went away even more, but I was still getting sick at least once a year. And when I say sick I mean SICK and for a long time too. One time I had strep throat for nearly a whole month and couldn't even drink water without vomiting :(


I noticed that I hadn't gotten sick! "Weird", I thought to myself. Then I thought back to all those stories I had read online and wondered if not getting sick could actually happen! So I decided to try it out. I went to visit my little brothers and sisters and new that they had to have some kind of germs * No offense* to them haha.. but what do you know, I got sick!!! I was even miserable for a WHOLE DAY! Waking up the next morning after contracting this God awful sickness I felt great! Everything had gone away! But was it the raw food? My personal opinion is yes. No No, I was not resistant to disease/sickness as a direct result of eating purely raw foods,of course not, but I did have a greater ability in fighting it off! That was the first time in my entire time of existence that had only been sick one day. My younger siblings got the same thing and it lasted longer for them. Lucky me!!

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