Monday, March 24

Who thought cheating wouldn't feel so good!?

Ugh! I'm disappointed in myself... I cheated on raw food. I hate to say it but it tasted so good! The insatiable craving struck about an hour ago, I walked by a loaf of bread and then began thinking about all the things I could make with it. My mind kept drifting and drifting into recipe land and I couldn't get it back, as hard as I tried. So I said, you know what having a piece of toast won't kill me so I gave in. The bread tasted different than I remember, although it was 100% whole wheat it had a "fake" kind of taste. But I liked it anyways, that was until 15 minutes ago when my stomach started aching now I'm filled with a sense of regret. Curse cravings!


Karma Free JG said...

Ohhhhh I have something to share with you about this ... and it is more of a conversation .. so when we chat ... and remind me as it is so key to shifting how you go through change in a healthy way ... yes. blessings - Joshua

consciousplace said...

I think we can all relate, by my experience I think we all have something when we go or we start doing when we feel weak, and it doesn't matter much if is eating not raw when we want to be raw, drinking, smoking, etc, of course they all have different destructive levels for our body, but I believe that true poison is our incompetence to connect with our true self and in our mind which is put together mostly from external influences, in that mind we going crazy, and then we try to escape and start eating, smoking, drinking or what ever vehicle we choose to drive away from our crazy head

good luck to your journey

Karma Free JG said...

Okay - looks like I am jumping in here as the post above is in the same theme. Non- suppression is the key here. See ... this thing of being on the wagon or off the wagon or ..."forgive me father for I have sinned" is very very old school - and more importantly keeps up in guilt and in the old pattern of the love / hate relating - be it pizza or drink or tofu or smoke or shopping or what ever the behavior is .. there is a dis connect that needs to be RE connected and that is done through awareness AND NOT suppression. Suppression only gets us uptight, hard edge, school teachers who take out their pain on students or go home and drink .. or or or. ... So there is no need to be strict .. just flow with what is alive in the here and now .. and when I am done with .. pizza say .. then I will be complete with my relationship with pizza and will not think about it or anything - Energy will be off the object - this time pizza. So .. that is how I have come to raw living vegan food and find it to be VERY healthy for me. Hope this helps and chatting about this is so much easier as ... the chat gets us THERE. blessings - Joshua

consciousplace said...

hi Joshua,

nicely said,
you will be complete with relationship with pizza. HMM
I believe that from we might not be always aware of: why we want things, and restrict it or saying our selves "we can not have this" I guess we only strengthen our desire.

on the other to have something what I don't want (consciously) but wanting to have because I thinking about it thus concentration on that subject make it more desirable. So if I have it that way, I don't like to have it and I rather choose fight.

Funny, I just realize how silly my approach was, I so much identify with being someone that I forget to be.
in this case let it go all year being raw just for desire to bite into pizza or what ever food, seems like I will lose part of achievement and part of myself,
that not to wise, it seems like prison of achievement and identification.

seems like I have something to thing about LOL